My Background

Thank you for visiting my website. I’m James F. Gabello. I live in Pittsburgh, PA and work as an attorney. However, I also build furniture.

My journey into woodworking started around 2012. At that time, I purchased a wood lathe and started to make bowls and other decorative pieces. I eventually became interested in furniture making and design, as well as the history of a number of design movements. Taking classes, building pieces for my home, and reading magazines, blogs from other woodworkers, and books added fuel to the fire.

I bring a few principles to my making. Items that I make are designed and built to last. Too often, the things that we bring into our lives are disposable. A cheaply made item may last only a few uses before it breaks, contributing to the waste on natural resources and money. By focusing on quality, I seek to make items that will be worthy of handing down to future generations.

I created this website to have a place to share my progress in the craft. The site also lets me share other things going on, including books I’ve found interesting recently. Have a look at my /now/ page to see what I’ve been up to recently.

I primarily build spec pieces. However, if you are interested in a custom piece of furniture, have questions about anything on the site, or just want to talk about woodworking, send me a message on my contact page.